Each time you use your FÜM, even if it’s just once a day, is a time you don’t engage in your bad habit. Never underestimate the power of small habits!
Habits make up our daily lives. We’re so used to doing them, they become a part of us, like making a coffee in the morning or scrolling on your phone when you’re on the loo (😏). They inform what we’ve done, do and will do in the future, so if we want to change something about our lives, it’s only logical that we look into changing or creating new habits.
BUT, it’s not always easy…
It can be overwhelming to make a big change in our lives, like telling yourself you’re going to do a marathon this year, or read a book a month, or stop eating processed foods. Because these goals are so drastic, they’re easier to drop as time goes on.
Making a small change every day can be much easier to sustain and less disruptive to your daily routine. Adopting micro-habits is a surefire way to improve your mood and increase productivity whilst not being overly demanding.
Here are some examples of micro-habits you can try out:
- Keep a bottle of water on your nightstand
- Make your bed every morning
- Use your FÜM a few times a day whenever you want to engage in your bad habit
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator
- Tidy away one item of clutter
- Do one minute of deep breathing
- Set your alarm one minute earlier each day